
Environment Bulletin - August 2024

Australia – Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards scheme to be improved

The Australian Government has announced plans to expand and modernise the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards scheme. This includes the development of an Equipment Energy Efficiency Program strategy, increases to the minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for televisions and computer monitors, new energy efficiency requirements for digital signage displays, and updates to the MEPS for various other products.

Read more from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water here.


New South Wales – Nature plan for environmental protections released

The NSW Government has released the NSW Plan for Nature following recent reviews of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Local Land Services Act 2013. The plan outlines actions that the government will take to reform the biodiversity offsets scheme, end excess land clearing and strengthen environmental protections, and aligns with the ‘nature positive’ approaches being taken at a national and international level.

Read more from the NSW Cabinet Office here.


Western Australia – Supporting regulations for carbon capture storage to be drafted

The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has announced that it is developing regulations to support the recently passed Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2024. The Act will introduce a framework for transporting and storing greenhouse gases, as well as for exploring and producing naturally occurring hydrogen in Western Australia. It will also formally recognise care and maintenance, and decommissioning and rehabilitation, as specific phases of an operation. Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on how the regulations should be drafted.