Environment Bulletin - June 2024
Australia – Bill to implement New Vehicle Efficiency Standard passed
The Australian Government has passed legislation that will implement the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard. The Standard will apply to new vehicles from 1 January 2025.
Read more from the Department of Climate Change and Energy here.
Victoria – Bill to end commercial native forest harvesting introduced
The VIC Government has introduced the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Repeal Bill 2024 to Parliament. The Bill will end commercial native forest timber harvesting under the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 by repealing the Act, and abolish VicForests. It will also amend the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 and the Forests Act 1958 in relation to forest management, and make consequential amendments to other legislation to give effect to the reforms.
Western Australia – Carbon capture and storage legislation passed
The Western Australian Government has passed the Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2024, however commencement is yet to be proclaimed. The Act supports the State’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050 by enabling the transport and storage of greenhouse gas, and introducing the concept of a ‘regulated substance’ which will allow for the exploration of hydrogen that naturally occurs within a geological formation. The Act also makes changes that support the polluter pays principles, underground storage of petroleum, and blending of additives in pipelines, among other things.