Environment Bulletin – November 2023
Australia – Consultation on new environmental laws announced
The Australian Government has announced that it will soon begin consultation on the development of new environmental legislation. Experts and stakeholders will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on drafts of the new legislation once consultation commences over the coming weeks and months.
More from the Minister Environment and Water here.
Australian Capital Territory – Circular Economy Bill passed
The ACT Government has passed the Circular Economy Bill 2023 which was introduced in August 2023. The new legislation will support a legal framework to implement a circular economy in the ACT.
Read more from the ACT Government here.
New South Wales – Bill to better control invasive pests and weeds introduced
The NSW Government has introduced the Biosecurity Amendment (Independent Biosecurity Commissioner) Bill 2023 to Parliament. The Bill will strengthen the impact and accountability of the State’s biosecurity programs for pests and weeds by amending the Biosecurity Act 2015 to establish NSW’s first independent Biosecurity Commissioner, among other things.