Environment Bulletin - October 2023
Australia – Changes to Australian carbon credits scheme proposed
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is undertaking consultation on proposed changes to the Australian Carbon Credit Unit scheme, following the completion of an independent review into the scheme. Feedback is sought on the discussion paper which outlines proposed legislation changes and how the recommendations from the review can be implemented.
Read more from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water here.
Australian Capital Territory – Circular economy Bill introduced
The ACT Government has introduced the Circular Economy Bill 2023 to parliament to establish the legal framework for a circular economy in the ACT. The Bill addresses actions from the Circular Economy Strategy, including to phase out single-use plastics, require businesses to have food waste reduction plans, as well as to arrange for separate collection of co-mingled recycling and organic waste types. The Bill will also repeal and remake provisions from the Plastic Reduction Act and expand powers to enable other problematic, non-plastic products to be banned in future. Regulations are being developed and targeted industry consultation is currently underway.
Read more from the ACT Government here.
Western Australia – Draft Aboriginal cultural heritage regulations released
The WA Government has released draft regulations to support the Aboriginal Heritage Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2023. The draft regulations set timeframes for Section 18 decisions under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (which is being reinstated with amendments), as well as the administrative and management procedures for the proposed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Committee. A draft consultation policy and application guidelines have also been released to guide proponents whose activities are likely to impact Aboriginal cultural heritage, in applying for a Section 18 Consent.