Environment Bulletin - July 2023
Australia – Compliance measures to be strengthened
The Australian Government has introduced a Bill to parliament that proposes to strengthen compliance measures under the biosecurity regulatory regime, to ensure that it is adapted to the evolving biosecurity environment. The proposed amendments include changes to requirements for providing information, approved arrangements, notices and penalties, among other things.
Queensland – Draft Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 released – Closed for comment
The QLD Government has consulted on the Draft Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023, which seeks to enshrine in law, the key commitments of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (see previous Bulletin here), including the State’s three renewable energy targets of 50 per cent by 2030, 70 per cent by 2032 and 80 per cent by 2035. The Bill also establishes frameworks for the construction of the SuperGrid, necessary infrastructure, renewable energy zones and priority transmission investment, among other things. A Consultation Paper was also released, with stakeholder feedback currently being considered.
Read the The Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial Directory’s statement here.
Australian Capital Territory – Legislation to phase out new natural gas connections passed
The ACT Government has passed the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Natural Gas Transition) Amendment Bill 2022, which will enable new natural gas connections to be prohibited in certain circumstances, as the Government works towards phasing out these connections and meeting emissions targets. Regulation to support this is expected to commence later in 2023.