
Safety Bulletin - October 2021

Australia – New requirements for mercury importers and exporters announced


The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introductions Scheme (AICIS) has announced that the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019 will be amended to ratify the Minamata Convention on Mercury. This change would mean that from late 2021, importers and exporters will need to apply to AICIS for approval before importing or exporting mercury for industrial use. AICIS also sent out a call for information in relation of these changes.


New Zealand – Timeline for plant, structures and work at heights reforms announced


The NZ Government has announced that an early draft of proposed regulations for plant, structures and work at height under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 will be released in early 2022 for feedback. The draft regulations will take into account feedback received on a discussion paper released for public comment in 2019. The reforms are expected to commence late 2022, and will strengthen workplace safety requirements with regard to plant (such as workplace machinery, vehicles and equipment), structures (such as scaffolding and excavations) and working at heights.


For more information see the New Zealand Government’s Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 page here 


South Australia – Compliance audits for high risk construction work commenced

SafeWork SA has announced that inspectors have commenced compliance audits of high risk construction workplaces to ensure that builders and contractors are preparing and complying with their Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). This years’ audit focuses on the civil construction sector, with a Self-Assessment Checklist also created to help contractors measure their compliance with their SWMS.


See the South Australia Government’s press release here.